




Bio Energy Coevorden

Contact person

Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Wessels

Start of construction


Construction time

2 years

Scope of services

New construction of eleven silos Fermenter D=19.60m/H= 19.00 m

Reinforced concrete floor slabs and ceilings made of prefabricated reinforced concrete floor slabs with concrete topping, as well as reinforced concrete walls using the sliding method.

New construction of two fermentation residue tanks D=30m/H=12m reinforced concrete floors and reinforced concrete walls using the sliding method.

Construction of basement reception hall L= 45m/W=25m/H= 3.15m, processing hall L=approx.40m/W=approx.16m/H=approx. 3.15m and connecting tunnel cross-section approx. W= 4m/H=approx. 4m in reinforced concrete construction.

Construction of three concrete troughs to accommodate the eleven fermenters Base and walls in reinforced concrete construction Base thickness 70cm and wall thickness 50cm.

Concrete tank 1: approx. 70m * 21m * 6m

Concrete tank 2: approx. 58m * 21m * 6m

Concrete tank 3: approx. 70m * 46m * 6m

Total quantity of concrete for the construction project

– approx. 16,500 m³ in-situ concrete

– approx. 2,650 tons of reinforcing steel

Work carried out:

Reinforced concrete work on floors and ceilings

Concreting the 18.15 meter high walls using the sliding method

Roof construction made from a combination of prefabricated elements and in-situ concrete